Friends of Chappell appreciates and values each donation, which we put directly back into the school, whether it's educational programming, improved infrastructure, or community-building events. At the start of the academic year, Friends of Chappell meets with the principal to identify projects and programs that are not covered by the school's budget. The FOC board then votes on which donations to make to the school. In its consideration, the board takes into account the following:
Thanks to the generosity of families, community members, and businesses, Friends of Chappell has been able to support the projects listed below.
Great! We'd love to hear about it. Contact us (below) to discuss how your idea can impact the students at Chappell.
Let us know what's on your mind. Contact us (below) and share your thoughts.
"Honest Abe" was a Cultural Arts Assembly in celebration of Presidents Day. It was produced by Face to Face Productions and sponsored by Friends of Chappell. FOC sponsors approximately four school-wide assemblies each school year.
Friends of Chappell secures grants and other funding to support the school gardens as well as the Gardeneers Program, which provides outdoor education including nutrition, community, and environmental stewardship.
A new curtain will be installed to divide the stage in half. This will help make the stage become much more versatile during concerts and performances. We are also raising funds for new audio equipment.
After running through the circuits at Field Day, the students are treated to popsicles, cold water, and healthy snacks courtesy of Friends of Chappell.
Each year, FOC contributes funds to help cover the back-to-school mailing for families, including paper and postage. Laminating supplies are also donated.
Contact FOC to discuss your idea. We'd love to hear from you.
Friends of Chappell School
4947 North Leavitt Street, Chicago, IL 60625, USA
Copyright © 2024 Friends of Chappell